Tuesday, March 18, 2008

People News

Larry Britner came through his surgery successfully at Bay Pines VA Hospital and is now back at home. He sends his thanks for the cards, calls, and visits.

Lois Martin Walls writes that she and husband Ray can only be with us for the May 15 event because their 12-year-old granddaughter is living with them and will be in the midst of final exams. Ray just had cataract surgery so Lois has been doing all the driving.

Barb Wells Preston attended the memorial service for Jim Willson and sends this description of the experience: The services were as I would expect, purely Jim! It was proper, polite, warm, friendly, comforting, and even funny at times. Most of the laughs were from the tales the minister told about Jim and his neighbors and about Linda and Jim taking care of the church's rose gardens. The gardens are in perfect condition under Jim and Linda's tender, loving, hands-on care. They are not in bloom right now but I plan to go over and take pictures when my roses begin to bloom. The rose beds at the church showed healthy bushes with lots of new growth and small buds beginning to form. I believe that Linda will continue to tend the rosebuds. Did they teach rose gardening at North Ward?

Len Scipioni (Scott) writes from Australia that he regrets he can't be with us for the reunion. His daughter is graduating on May 15, and there is no way he and his family can make it to St. Petersburg. But he wants us to know that he is and will be thinking of us.

Mardi Kline Zeiger is in Israel right now, visiting friends and family.

Tom Fincher is polishing up a manuscript for a novel to send off to a publisher, mid-way in another novel, and making notes for two or three more novels. You can still get a copy of his first novel The Pepper Tree Demon, which takes place in St. Petersburg, by dropping him a line and a check for $15. His email is thetomcatman@aol.com If you want the author's autograph, just ask.

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