Sunday, January 27, 2008

A National Trend

There's a group of our classmates in the Tampa Bay area (St. Pete, Tampa, Riverview, etc.) who get together periodically to chat and catch up. Well, I see the makings of a national trend, although the numbers in attendance can't quite equal Larry Britner's posse.

Personally, I'm getting together Jan. 28 with Carolyn Gramling-McAleese, and probably in February we'll getting together with Barbara Monrose Parrish, hopefully joined by Sandra Creitz.

And Jean Davis Brown wrote to say that she has plans to get with Kitsey (a high school nickname for Carol Curran) --to happen at Rosie's Diner near Monument, CO. Jean's comment was, "I'm excited to see her again."

So Larry, you have started a wave of mini-reunions--all prior to the Big Celebration at the Coliseum.

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