Saturday, February 23, 2008

Duane Tobey's NEHS Memories

Duane Tobey, a former worker at the U.S. Embassy in London, England and the Tampa Field Office of the FBI, has these memories of his days at Northeast High:

Being in the band back in those days, it seems we were always getting on a chartered bus or schoolbus and going to either an away football game or a parade in another city or perhaps a band contest across the state.

And usually once a year, a trip to Daytona or Orlando was a perk if we could raise the money, but usually our parents got stuck with coming up with most of it. I'm sure most of the band members remember these trips...Most paired up with a girlfriend or boyfriend and this was a good chance to "make out" on the bus.

Favorite Faculty Member? It has to be Mr. Beeman, our band director. I got to know his family quite well, and his sons and I became close friends. When you think about how much he had to put into what he had to do and the responsibilities he had, I don't know how he had the time or patience. I guess we had a band made up of 70-100 of us and we weren't all "good" all the time. Trying to keep us in line when we went on trips wasn't easy. And trying to teach us music and come up with new halftime shows every week and compete in band contests would be more than most teachers would even imagine. His work load had to be tremendous.

One of Duane's favorite achievements is "being a pilot, accomplishing all my ratings and passing my physical, even at this age!!"

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