Wednesday, February 27, 2008

News That's 50 Years Old

I just KNEW that I had a bound book of Nor'easters in my boxes of stuff--the newspaper I edited my senior year at Northeast. And sure enough, last week, I dug far enough down in one of the boxes to find the collection of a now-yellowed year's worth of issues.

Here is a selection of items from the Sept. 3, 1957 issue. (More snippets from other issues will follow in later postings.)

George Salzman, Harry Steinhardt, Jim Willson, Jan Duggar, and Ralph Spaulding represented our high school at the June 23-29 meeting of Boys State at Florida State University in Tallahassee. Girls State delegates at the June 15-22 meeting, also in Tallahassee, included Trudy Andringa, Clarice Slover, and Sandra Creitz.

A front page picture on the Sept. 3 edition shows Barbara Monrose and Jim Brickley being welcomed back for a new school year by principal John Sexton. Some new department heads in the faculty included Merle Morgan, replacing Douglas Taylor who transferred to St. Petersburg High School; Mrs. Wentworth, replacing Mr. Sharpe as head of the social studies department, and Frank Bowles, replacing Mr. Swan as head of the science department.

The "Nehi Notable" feature in the Sept. 3 edition focused on Karolyn Bagg, who at age 7, had been the St. Petersburg Swimming Queen. For her senior year, she had an ambitious schedule of English IV, senior social studies, Current World Affairs, Public Speaking, art, physiology, and cheerleading. (And you thought YOU were busy in your senior year!)

The first football game of that season was going to be against Tarpon Springs on Sept. 27. The Vikings hoped to improve on their previous year's record of 2 wins and 8 losses.

Another news item mentions that these students had been junior DJs at radio station WTSP: Marion Kline, Gene Glennon, Melody Siplon and Bruce Little.

On the list of staff members for the Nor'easter for this edition were: News Editor, Marion Kline; Managing Editors, Linda Crain and Pat Williams; Sports Editor Bob Loeber, Ad Editor, Gene Glennon, and Proofreader, June Sharpe.

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