Sunday, December 30, 2007

Memory Joggers from the Yearbook

There was a copy of the 1958 Viking Log at our recent St. Pete gathering, so that prompted me to find my own copy at home.

Here are some faculty names--what do you remember about them?

Beth Cheesmond (English and World History); Dorothy Adams (World History--I had her for Civics); George Clinebell (guidance counselor); Ruth Trigg (registrar); Ruth Barrett (dean of girls); Berneece Overholtz ( Shorthand and Transcription); Mildred Hoffman (Home Economics); Everett Myers (drivers education); William McNeil (Shop I, II, III, IV), Robert Root (Algebra II, III, Trigonometry).

Here are some famous names from the "Superlatives" Section:
Rena Counts, Most Versatile
Jan Duggar and Ann Leedy, Most Friendly
John Krege and Joan Moody, Personality Plus
Martha Heath and Larry Fannin, Most Courteous
Trudy Andringa, Most Likely to Succeed
Mickey Moustakas and Carol Curran, Cutest

Until I saw the Viking Log at our get-together, I had forgotten that we left a "Last Will and Testament" in the yearbook.

Here are some of the "bequests":
Arlene Murfin left her ability to volunteer for Civinette committees to Barbara Hall.
Barbara Monrose left her car to Bonnie Hughes on the condition that she patch the hole in the floorboard.
Dave Larson left his ability to clip to all future football players. (Editor: I have a hunch that "clip" had nothing to do with haircuts.)
Helen Leigh left her failing transcription notes to any junior.
Larry Thompson willed his ability to instigate riots to any junior.
Roger Whitehead left his ability to out-dribble anyone to Kirk Clinton.
Rosie Ramsey willed a one-way ticket to Spain to Mrs. Shrum.
Len Scipioni willed a worn-out red tank suit to Frank Walther.

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